Electronic government has the potential to transform how we interact with public services by streamlining public services and creating a more transparent and efficient society.
According to the European Commission electronic government can bring a wide variety of benefits including, “more efficiency and savings for governments and businesses, increased transparency, and greater participation of citizens in political life”.
The EGOV4YOUTH project (Project #: 2023-2-IT03-KA220-YOU-000177604) aspires to support the evolution to the new era of digital public services and drive a shift from simple service delivery (E-Government) to participatory and collaborative governance (E-Governance).
Aligned with the European strategy, the EGOV4YOUTH project will promote common values, civic engagement, and democratic participation among European youth, contributing to the development of a more inclusive and resilient society.
Read our first newsletter and follow our project website (https://www.egov4youth.eu/) for project updates.
Feel free to contact us at info@vernian.eu.