Looking for a trusted Research, Technology and Innovation (RTI) partner?
About us

Vernian is a research and advisory firm specialising in the technology and innovation domains. We integrate and leverage our knowledge and expertise from each line of work, which allows us to drive meaningful results and have a positive impact in our engagements.
Our unwavering belief is that the accelerated
technology and innovation adoption, bolstered by the principles of
governance, ethics, and transparency, has the transformative power to enable organizations,
societies, and economies, to enhance their innovation capacity, drive efficient
growth, and foster sustainable social and economic progress for the advancement
of all stakeholders.
Our objective is to foster value creation and
collective progress through long-term collaborative alliances, that leverage
the opportunities and benefits offered by Research, Technology, and Innovation
(RTI) while navigating the challenges of today's complex, highly competitive and
rapidly evolving business landscape, and capitalizing on the transformative
potential of RTI.
In our digital era, organizations, economies and societies that will successfully utilize RTI, will benefit from the arising opportunities and address the challenges of this sweeping revolution.
The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), will both enable, but most importantly demand from organizations to operate vertically and horizontally, to use and constantly adapt to technological changes, manage big volumes of data, develop and use innovative products and services and operate and compete locally as well as globally.
Our understanding of research, technology and innovation, in combination with our drive for excellence, empowers us to support organizations integrate RTI in their strategy, governance and operations, successfully implement complex projects and shape their future.
We collaborate with our partners to structure innovative research projects that unlock new possibilities to address technology, social, economic and sustainability challenges, and acquire funding from relevant European research programmes (i.e. Horizon Europe, CERV, Erasmus+).
Our Mission
To pioneer for innovation and drive growth in our local, European and global community, by leading actionable and transformative research and technology initiatives, acting as committed agents for competitiveness and sustainability.
Our Work
Our Approach
• Research and innovation projects: Through collaborative work with like-minded partners across Europe, we share knowledge and strategically position innovative concepts within the broader European economic and social context. Our initiatives are designed to promote sustainable growth and deliver tangible benefits to both the local and European economy and society.
• Advisory projects: We follow a holistic client-focused approach, understanding the unique challenges and needs organisations face. This allows us to develop customised solutions aligned with our clients’ strategic needs. We support every stage of the process, from developing the initial methodology to full implementation, providing guidance and training.
Our Aspiration
We achieve this through ambitious transformative initiatives for and in collaboration with our European and global partners.