Tag: digitalization

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EYSAD Project closing meeting

The closing meeting of the EYSAD (European Youth for Sustainability and Digitalization) project (https://eysad.studio2b.de/) was hosted in Vilnius, Lithuania between May 8-9 by our partner Active Youth (https://activeyouth.lt/?lang=en). During the meeting, we had the opportunity to discuss within the consortium our experiences from the implementation of the project, the challenges we faced and the opportunities ….  Read More

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EYSAD Project Multiplier event

On May 2nd 2023 we hosted in Nicosia the final multiplier event of the “European Youth for Sustainability and Digitalization-EYSAD” project, a 2-year project co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme. Delegates were introduced to the results of our project, which combine the concepts of sustainability and digitalization. We additionally shared our experiences ….  Read More