EYSAD Project closing meeting
The closing meeting of the EYSAD (European Youth for Sustainability and Digitalization) project (https://eysad.studio2b.de/) was hosted in Vilnius, Lithuania between May 8-9 by our partner Active Youth (https://activeyouth.lt/?lang=en). During the meeting, we had the opportunity to discuss within the consortium our experiences from the implementation of the project, the challenges we faced and the opportunities …. Read More
EYSAD Project Multiplier event
On May 2nd 2023 we hosted in Nicosia the final multiplier event of the “European Youth for Sustainability and Digitalization-EYSAD” project, a 2-year project co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme. Delegates were introduced to the results of our project, which combine the concepts of sustainability and digitalization. We additionally shared our experiences …. Read More